As in the previous practises, the main aim of this is to know some internet resources to update your grammar by doing graded exercises on-line and checking your answers.
In this practise we are focussing on the SMIC page ( On this page you will find a selection of grammar quizzes that can be done on- line.
Once in this section, you will find a selection of grammar quizzes that can be done on-line. The level is marked by stars. The more stars, the more difficult the exercise.
If you have decided to do a multiple choice, you have to click on a possible answer. If it is correct, a icon appears immediately with a “Correct!. Your score is…” on the top of the screen. If it is wrong, there is a cross (X) and the message “Sorry, try again” appears.
4. Get your own personal feedback and score.
The English Language Centre of the University of Victoria has a useful Study zone ( where grammar materials are available according to a level you have to select previously. Once the level is selected, you have to click on the grammar icon
A list of topics will appear. After chosen the one you want to access, there is an introduction containing the grammar rules and at the bottom of the page, you can click on “First exercise” to continue.
The Englisch-hilfen page ( contains useful grammar exercises as well as grammar explanations classified by categories. Have a look at it!