This practice is focused on science. Science Clips is a website from the BBC Schools portal. (“”)
The Science Clips activities are aimed at children aged 5-11 years. There is an interactive experiment and a quiz for each unit and it has also an associated set of teacher resources.
Then they have to move to Sorter 2, where things have to be sorted by what they have grown into.
In BBC Schools → Primary there are activities related to different subjects for primary students: art, geography, history, languages, literacy, music, numeracy, PSHE, science and other subjects. You can have a look at them.
In the same page, but in the teachers section (BBC Schools - Teachers) you can find relevant sites, lesson plans, worksheets and other resources for your classes classified according to the Key Stages (Keystage 1: Infants from 5-7; Keystage 2: Juniors from 7-11)
Other interesting webs are: