MUD (MiniUnitats Didàctiques)

The MUD are interactive activities to be used by the students. They are designed to practice specific skills, vocabulary, grammar or others.

The objective of this practice is to know the main site where MUD can be found and to put one of the them into practice with our students in cicle inicial or cicle mitjà (depending on when they started learning English).

Practice it!


  • On the left side of the screen, within the Alumnes section, click on Primària. A new window will be opened with three main sections: subjects, links and news.


  • Click on Llengua anglesa and the miniunitats didàctiques are there. Select Totes les MUD.



  • All the MUD present the same structure: a main frame with the activity to be done and a frame on the right with the sections avalua’t, practica, pregunta i imprimeix.


  • To start the activity, the students have to click on the red arrow and follow the instructions. In this case they have to click on the numbers to listen to them. Once the number is clicked on, it is said and its written form appears on the screen.


  • All the numbers have to been listened to in order to move to the next screen. The red arrow that is in the top right corner allows them to do it by clicking on it. In the screen before they have practiced numbers from 0 to 9. In the next screen they listen to numbers 11 to 20.


  • Then they practice from 21 to 30 and in the next one they count in tens from 40 to 100.


  • The MUD exercise finishes here, but students can self-evaluate them by playing the roulette game that is in the Avalua’t section. The instructions are in Catalan and are easy to understand.

They have to write the number


By clicking on the red question mark, the check the answer and get their score. Every time they write a wrong answer, the score takes them 1 point. Until the student writes the right answer, s/he cannot move to the next screen.

  • Through the Practica section, they review the numbers by playing bingo. It is strongly recommeded to play in pairs to make the game more attractive. Clear instructions are given.


Activity framework

  • Methodology: The activity can be put into practice in cicle inicial or cicle mitjà. The first part (reviewing numbers) can be done either in the class by using a laptop/computer with internet connection and a beamer or in the computer room in pairs with earphones. If you decide to do it in the class and to make the activity more interactive allowing the participation of all the students, they can take turns to use the mouse.
  • Timing: one hour session to review the vocabulary practiced in class in previous sessions (avalua’t and practice sections).
  • Resources: computer and internet connection. Earphones can be useful not to disturb the rest of the class.

If the students are not very strong at writing numbers, skip the Avalua’t section. They can lose motivation.

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