Colouring with the young learners
The objective of this practise is to get familiar with a useful page that offers us free on line interactive colouring pages and colouring books ready-to-use in our classroom with the young learners. No high knowledge or skills are necessary to success, that makes this site appropriate for cicle inicial.
This site is COLOURING (
Practice it!
- Enter the Colouring page
( You will see the most and least popular pictures to colour on the right.
- Above Saint Patrick’s picture, you can Choose a picture to colour. Click on it.
- Pictures appear classified into categories.
- Select one by clicking on it.
- Colour the picture by using the colours or the textures (click on the colour/picture to select it and click on the area of the drawing you want to colour)
- Once finished, you can start over or click on done. Select this last option and new possibilities appear: e-mail the picture, print it, save it or choose another picture.
- We are going to choose the e-mail this picture option. A new window where the name and e-mail of the sender and receiver are requested is opened. The kids can write a message and after done, they have to clik on Preview.
- They are asked Is this how you want it to look?. If they do not like it, they can edit the picture with the No, let me edit it option. If they like it, they have to click on Yes, send it.
- Once it is sent, a message with information is on the screen. The same picture can be sent to someone else or they can start colouring a different picture by clicking on the colouring
Activity framework
- Methodology: this activity is addressed to cicle inicial students. It may be done in the computer room in pairs in a collaborative way or students can take turns to colour the picture and e-mail it to his/her partner and s/he can help him/her while doing it.
- Timing: half an hour
- Resources: computers with internet connection
- Complementary material: printer (if you want to print the creations and display them on the walls)
Due to the level of the students and their writing skills, their message can consist just on writing a greeting and their names. Strong students can be next to weak students to help them.
Additional information
If you google the word colouring and coloring, you will find other pages just to colour on line and plenty of links to pages just to download and print.
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