Where do these animals live?

Switch Zoo (http://www.switchzoo.com) is a virtual zoo where children can learn about animals, create imaginary animals of their own and do lots of activities related to animals and their habitats.


Practice it!


The objective of the game is to rescue animals by identifying their habitat. “You are the Animal Relocation Officer in charge of a major rescue operation.You have to return the lost animals to their home continent or ocean. How well can you identify each animal’s home? ”.This is your mission.

  • First, students have to identify the continent or the ocean where the animal in the picture lives. If they need help, the can click on Animals List at the bottom of the page to find out more about the animal.


Once they know where the animal lives, they have to go back to the game’s page, click on the photo and drag it over the continent or the ocean. Then they have to release it.

  • If the answer is correct, information about the animal i sprovided and they can move to the next animal


  • If the answer is incorrect, they can try again


  • or see the answer:


Then, they can move to the next picture.

The game finishes when you have return all of the rescued animals to their homes. You may either leave the game or play it again.

Activity framework

  • Methodology: students can do the activity in pairs or threes.
  • Timing: the activity can take 30 or 40 minutes, depending on the knowledge students have in relation with the subject. It is advisible to teach or revise the vocabulary in a previous session.
  • Resources: computers

Additional info

Students should know about the compass rose and the cardinal directions (north, eastern, southeastern, etc). For more information about them you can visit the Enchanted Learning page.

They should also know about habitats and biomes (rainforest, deserts, woodlands, etc.), you can have a look at the Enchanted Learning page (Biomes and Habitats) and the abcteach page for more information.

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